Hi There Sunshine
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mintak mf ? ** story of today
Monday, November 15, 2010 ★ 2:55 PM │ (0) angels
hahax ! smlm kau send mcg lgy.. "u sorry you :(" alahaii , again ? haha ! poyo lha ! teruk.. then kau ckp "do u mad at me ?" ohoh , tnye lgy ? bkn mad bahkan suda bnci ! huhu ! siodd je . ahai.. then aku ckp laa "u shouldn`t do that a**** " i trusted you , but you betray me ! haha ! but do i care ? haa . last2 dea ckp "i ta kn kcau you dahh" hah ! bravo ! bguih lorh ! hapy to hear that ! huhu :)

huu , tadi gi skola . ahah ! ta bosan cuz HE`s always by my side.. heheh , damn ari ni sharian di skola nun dea je.. sonok ^^ yana jles lha tu. haha wekss ! yg ex aku plak usha ta puas aty.. hahah ! booo ~ haa , ptg nie dea maw dtg . ngee ~ dlm klas giler tol member2 aku . haha. duk maen sne sni.. bling krusi lha.. hhaha , mcm2 . em , wktu blik pun ssme ^^ huhu ! sygs dea XD
btw , adam seems jles . hahahx . apelaa .yeah , rabu nie rye aji ! uwaa ~ aku suda ajk member sume dtg ! huhu. spe yg knl aku nie dtg lha yerk ! :)) ade kuih ALMON LONDON ! haha . yumm ! dwg plan na gi ts men roller.. waa , dgr sal roller aku trus rse sonok ! hahah . na gi ah ! but kne kumpul duet dlu maa . huhuhu

smlm , ingtkan na gayot nun zac my bulad . but , humm . lpe ke ? haa . tape laa . bby tgu 30 min je . ta lme lorh :) imy laa..
huhu , eyh . btw , esok ade panther idol di skola ! haha . aku da tgk raptai td.. haishh trian india ade laa.. hahah .. and ade LSY men guitar! huu ! gyler encem ! t'goda i ! hahahaha and i saw kevin practising his break dance . huu , awesome !

saya lahh tuan besar disini :p

I am NurAisyahBintiAzizi i was born in TAIPING in 29th June 1995. 17 in age, of course :D well, i'm living in a normal life as well as other teenagers out there. i'm little bit like snobbish girl on the earth if u didn't know me well bueekk :p i do hate people raise voice towards me . DAMN IT ! i hate darkness in my room . i'll scream when beetle touch my feet , ouuchh . i love jelly jello :O i love ice cream , chocolate . anddd , i LOVE MY MUM'S COOK TOO ! ^^ honestly, i'm a lazy bones . hihi . i don't like people messed up with me .yes , i mean it. urrgghh . don't try to messed up with me , i might use my power to completely destroy you ! i'll break your face, i'll chew your ear , i'll pull your hair , and i'll make sure i laugh on every of your failure :P TOO BAD HAHA ! what else eh ? OHH i forgot , i'm a GOSSIPER and of course with my sister :) last but not least [ ayt essay ] , do call me esya ^^ . adios .
my dearest arief

dia busuk, dia masam , tapi aku tetap sayang :) #sebabakulagimasampadadia# you know what ? he drew a beautiful rainbow after the rain for me . he taught me what is L.O.V.E really means . he always know what i want . yeah , he does . he always shout at me , and i know he didn't means bad . he loves me like no one ever love me just like he does . he care about me , he do understand about me and my BIBI . he's the one i love . on one else, cross my heart .
mintak mf ? ** story of today
Monday, November 15, 2010 ★ 2:55 PM │ (0) angels
hahax ! smlm kau send mcg lgy.. "u sorry you :(" alahaii , again ? haha ! poyo lha ! teruk.. then kau ckp "do u mad at me ?" ohoh , tnye lgy ? bkn mad bahkan suda bnci ! huhu ! siodd je . ahai.. then aku ckp laa "u shouldn`t do that a**** " i trusted you , but you betray me ! haha ! but do i care ? haa . last2 dea ckp "i ta kn kcau you dahh" hah ! bravo ! bguih lorh ! hapy to hear that ! huhu :)

huu , tadi gi skola . ahah ! ta bosan cuz HE`s always by my side.. heheh , damn ari ni sharian di skola nun dea je.. sonok ^^ yana jles lha tu. haha wekss ! yg ex aku plak usha ta puas aty.. hahah ! booo ~ haa , ptg nie dea maw dtg . ngee ~ dlm klas giler tol member2 aku . haha. duk maen sne sni.. bling krusi lha.. hhaha , mcm2 . em , wktu blik pun ssme ^^ huhu ! sygs dea XD
btw , adam seems jles . hahahx . apelaa .yeah , rabu nie rye aji ! uwaa ~ aku suda ajk member sume dtg ! huhu. spe yg knl aku nie dtg lha yerk ! :)) ade kuih ALMON LONDON ! haha . yumm ! dwg plan na gi ts men roller.. waa , dgr sal roller aku trus rse sonok ! hahah . na gi ah ! but kne kumpul duet dlu maa . huhuhu

smlm , ingtkan na gayot nun zac my bulad . but , humm . lpe ke ? haa . tape laa . bby tgu 30 min je . ta lme lorh :) imy laa..
huhu , eyh . btw , esok ade panther idol di skola ! haha . aku da tgk raptai td.. haishh trian india ade laa.. hahah .. and ade LSY men guitar! huu ! gyler encem ! t'goda i ! hahahaha and i saw kevin practising his break dance . huu , awesome !
