Hi There Sunshine
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hari anugerahhhh ! :D
Thursday, July 21, 2011 ★ 12:19 PM │ (2) angels
heyahhh . hari ni nak share happiness aku dengan korang . yang rase2 tanak share sekali tuhh . u may go now :) thank you . so , hari ni aku bangun lambat . memang kelam kabut laa aku mandi . hihi

sampai sekolah . homagadddd , makanan kat kantin yang disediakan . ade ayammmmm ==' nyamm ! tapi aku puasa ganti . sahur tadi makan maggi :P haha . sedap ke tak eh nasi ayamm ade berbagai2 tuhh ? slluupp ! tak aci .

then pergi amik tempat , tengok laa segala performance yang ada . okestra cina jea best . haha xD lepas tuu , time amik sijil and hadiah . haiyooo . naik2 senyumm lebar2 kat camera :P then belah . sijil orang lain laa plak ==' mcam mana diaorang susun tahhh .

then dapat sijil balik dengan baucer** whatever semua tuhh . baucer tuu tak di-klip kan dengan sijil ==' bongok betuii . then hilang mana tah baucer aku , wakakaka . esok diaorang jumpa , bagi laa :P

bapak aku was very proud of me :D haha suke gilerrr ! muka cengih dia tak de pun tadi :PP then , dalam kereta dia berceramah laa sikit kan . dia kate laa , aku ni bagus sebab boleh challenge budak 4sc1 . haha . aww . alahai satu subject jea punn . tu jea mampu , kott ? bapak kate kena usaha lagi . [ nasihat dia bla bla bla ]

theeee ~ :D ni laa sijil dia == heee . siapa2 yang rase aku nie ''belagak'' nak cerita kat orang pasal benda nie , well UP TO YOU . i'm just sharing my happiness . and NIE KAN BLOG aku . so ? biar lahh . you're just fuckin' jealous with me cause you can't be like me (: ingat yeeaa , USAHA LADDER SUCCESS ! :P haha

kbaiii .  

saya lahh tuan besar disini :p

I am NurAisyahBintiAzizi i was born in TAIPING in 29th June 1995. 17 in age, of course :D well, i'm living in a normal life as well as other teenagers out there. i'm little bit like snobbish girl on the earth if u didn't know me well bueekk :p i do hate people raise voice towards me . DAMN IT ! i hate darkness in my room . i'll scream when beetle touch my feet , ouuchh . i love jelly jello :O i love ice cream , chocolate . anddd , i LOVE MY MUM'S COOK TOO ! ^^ honestly, i'm a lazy bones . hihi . i don't like people messed up with me .yes , i mean it. urrgghh . don't try to messed up with me , i might use my power to completely destroy you ! i'll break your face, i'll chew your ear , i'll pull your hair , and i'll make sure i laugh on every of your failure :P TOO BAD HAHA ! what else eh ? OHH i forgot , i'm a GOSSIPER and of course with my sister :) last but not least [ ayt essay ] , do call me esya ^^ . adios .
my dearest arief

dia busuk, dia masam , tapi aku tetap sayang :) #sebabakulagimasampadadia# you know what ? he drew a beautiful rainbow after the rain for me . he taught me what is L.O.V.E really means . he always know what i want . yeah , he does . he always shout at me , and i know he didn't means bad . he loves me like no one ever love me just like he does . he care about me , he do understand about me and my BIBI . he's the one i love . on one else, cross my heart .
hari anugerahhhh ! :D
Thursday, July 21, 2011 ★ 12:19 PM │ (2) angels
heyahhh . hari ni nak share happiness aku dengan korang . yang rase2 tanak share sekali tuhh . u may go now :) thank you . so , hari ni aku bangun lambat . memang kelam kabut laa aku mandi . hihi

sampai sekolah . homagadddd , makanan kat kantin yang disediakan . ade ayammmmm ==' nyamm ! tapi aku puasa ganti . sahur tadi makan maggi :P haha . sedap ke tak eh nasi ayamm ade berbagai2 tuhh ? slluupp ! tak aci .

then pergi amik tempat , tengok laa segala performance yang ada . okestra cina jea best . haha xD lepas tuu , time amik sijil and hadiah . haiyooo . naik2 senyumm lebar2 kat camera :P then belah . sijil orang lain laa plak ==' mcam mana diaorang susun tahhh .

then dapat sijil balik dengan baucer** whatever semua tuhh . baucer tuu tak di-klip kan dengan sijil ==' bongok betuii . then hilang mana tah baucer aku , wakakaka . esok diaorang jumpa , bagi laa :P

bapak aku was very proud of me :D haha suke gilerrr ! muka cengih dia tak de pun tadi :PP then , dalam kereta dia berceramah laa sikit kan . dia kate laa , aku ni bagus sebab boleh challenge budak 4sc1 . haha . aww . alahai satu subject jea punn . tu jea mampu , kott ? bapak kate kena usaha lagi . [ nasihat dia bla bla bla ]

theeee ~ :D ni laa sijil dia == heee . siapa2 yang rase aku nie ''belagak'' nak cerita kat orang pasal benda nie , well UP TO YOU . i'm just sharing my happiness . and NIE KAN BLOG aku . so ? biar lahh . you're just fuckin' jealous with me cause you can't be like me (: ingat yeeaa , USAHA LADDER SUCCESS ! :P haha

kbaiii .  
